
Namaste, Elon. Thank you for making Twitter suck.

I’m into yoga now which is very funny if you know me, and you probably do if you’re reading my blog. *waves to all 5 of my friends* I started doing yoga about 6 months ago for a couple of reasons, all having to do with my body and not my mind because the idea …

Continue reading Namaste, Elon. Thank you for making Twitter suck.


College Essays and Left Turns Suck

A good friend’s daughter, Madeline, was recently assigned a practice essay for her college applications which tells me she goes to a better high school than I did because I spent three and a half years thinking the guidance counselor was there to help kids with eating disorders. When the guidance counselor called me into …

Continue reading College Essays and Left Turns Suck


Sometimes bad news is just delightful

Dear Friends, I've been sidetracked with another project for a while but I had to come out of hiding for a second to recap some of last week's insanity. There's no way to get to it all. Melania Trump telling Christmas to fuck off didn't even make the top 10. Blockbuster stories that normally would …

Continue reading Sometimes bad news is just delightful


NFL Protests: Admit it. It’s about race.

Hey asshole friend, “they” are Americans, Americans who are silently asking not to be killed or treated differently because they are not white. They are Americans who are asking us, their fellow Americans, to look at them and hear what they are saying which is, “PLEASE STOP KILLING US BECAUSE WE ARE BLACK.”

A Trump-Russia explainer and/or a wild guess

Originally published on Writer's Resist and HuffPost in early 2017. So far, I don't think I was entirely off base except that there are more ferrets and even dumber people involved than I imagined.   1987 – The Art of the Deal: Nukes Edition Trump decides that Moscow needs a Trump hotel and like every …

Continue reading A Trump-Russia explainer and/or a wild guess

An Unofficial Recap of Donald Trump’s Perfectly Normal Press Conference

From Amy's files of  "I Fucking Told You So" In case you missed it: This is a recap of Trump's press conference he had a few weeks before his inauguration where he pretended to hand over his business to the idiot sons and a lawyer named Sheri Dillon did aerial cartwheels and sang songs about …

Continue reading An Unofficial Recap of Donald Trump’s Perfectly Normal Press Conference